Wednesday 24 December 2014

Sunday 21 December 2014

Monday 15 December 2014

National Geographic Adventure Buyers Guide Features The Grill Mount

Years ago one of my photos of the then 14 year old Terje Haakonsen cranking a textbook invert at The Camp of Champions was slated for a cover of Nat Geo Kids. Unfortunately the photo was lost in the mail somewhere between Burton Snowboards, Calgary, Whistler and where ever it was supposed to be so it never happened.
Terje Haakonsen 1992
at The Camp of Champions

Being a bit of a National Geographic geek, my collection starts in the early fifties, collected from parents, friends and all and sundry. It was always a great resource to see where we could go on a snowboard trip or adventure when we were looking for somewhere we hadn't thought of or didn't know we were looking for. Or maybe it was just the brown wrapper in came wrapped in....

Needless to say, you can then understand how I was really stoked to find our Grill Mount in the National Geographic Adventure Buyers Guide.

Having designed the Grill Mount to be so much more than a GoPro mouth mount, it made us really stoked to be included.

When we were first conceiving what we wanted the Grill Mount to become, have the ability to do and be, the first thing we came up with was that we really wanted it to be was for it to become "That One GoPro Accessory", that accessory that if you were only allowed to bring one, the Grill Mount would be "The One" that you took on your trip because it was small, light, multi purpose and useful in so many ways.

Having said that, it makes us so proud to be included in National Geographic Buyers Guide.

Thanks Steve, Thanks Nat Geo.


Kite Surfing With The Grill Mount

Lance Kenny from Perth, Australia, has been a big supporter and user of the Pro Standard Grill Mount since we launched. He seems to have as much fun as humanly possible at almost all times. That gets us stoked. Here's Lance taking his Grill Mount out for a kite surf.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Not Just a Repurposed Snorkel Mouth Piece

When I first started thinking about the design of a surfing mouth mount for my GoPro, I was in Bali with my wife and kids on a 5 month sabbatical from real life. The days were spent having fun in the water with my wife and kids, enjoying Bali, making new friends and of course surfing as much as possible and getting photos and videos so that down the road we would remember it.

@beefsofficial - Catch Surf

Once I got back and got together with Greg, one of the first designs we tried was repurposing a snorkel mouth piece as the "Bite". We quickly decided we didn't like the feel, the breathing or the ability to talk when we had it in our mouth. The quest to "make something better, that has never been made before" was on. 

We put so much time in on the design. We wanted a timeless part that was a mount that the more you used it the more you would appreciate the design and function. When we were doing the preliminary design and research we had surfers, dentists, orthodontists, mouth guard manufacturers, 3D printing gurus, CAD designers and more weighing in on the design and how best to make the fit, feel and utility what we wanted.


We wanted it to be so much more than that first snorkel mouth piece that we had tried and knew everyone else was going to use because "it worked" We wanted something that was a lot better than something the was chosen just because it was easy and "it worked". After nine generations of 3D printed prototypes that went around the world, we had the design that checked out on all our design parameters. Fit, feel, customization, breathability, duck dive performance, switching from mouth to hand mid wave performance, the ability to talk with it in, the ability to paddle hard with it in with being able to keep the mount in your mouth with only having to apply minimal pressure, the ability to use it out of the water as a handle and as a tripod or hook and the ability to fold it and put it in your pocket when not in use.

Michi Prado
It ended up taking us 6 months longer than we thought to get the Grill Mount in stores because we were such picky bastards on design and quality control.  We wanted the seam on the side as small as possible because the the super slight bump, had us worried for when you've been in the water for three or four hours and your hands are really soft and that "nothing" bump suddenly feeling like a razor on your now soft hands. That one change that the factory said was going to be four days turned into three weeks. 

Chris Hauswirth
Anyway... judging from the feedback from surfers, bodyboarders, travelers, SUP'ers, brands, team managers, contest pros, photographers, athletes, stores, distributors and everyone else, the time we spent to make a timeless mount was worth it. 


Thanks for taking our Grill Mount with you on your adventures around the world.

Ken and Greg.

Chris Hauswirth

Thursday 4 December 2014

Volcom Pro, Gavin Beschen, Using The Grill Mount In Hawaii

Long time Volcom surfer Gavin Beschen has been a legend forever and it makes us really stoked that he uses the Pro Standard Grill Mount. Here's a view from one of his barrels yesterday. Everyone should have a North Shore shack where they can hang out in. Thanks to Volcom, Pete Hodgson and GoPro. #truetothis +Sector9Media +Volcom tpattersonsurfboards

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Monday 1 December 2014